Brain Development

This seminar builds on the information in the 2 Day Foundation Training. It covers antenatal brain development and adolescent brain development, plus an introduction to mirror neurons. It includes a quick recap of the Solihull Approach model. It can be used as a stand alone seminar, but provides most value as a follow up to the 2 Day Foundation training to deepen knowledge and to keep moving theory into practice.
This was originally designed to be delivered as a 3 1/2 hour seminar, but this is quite rushed with little time to process the information. The alternative is to present it as a 5 hour seminar, which provides more time to deliver and process the information. The training includes a Supporting Information Booklet.
A manual is available so that you can run this seminar in your local area. If you want to observe the seminar before running it yourself, you can ask us to run it for you in your local area or you can attend the seminar in Solihull. There are Supporting Information Booklets available for your delegates, which are designed to move theory into practice. These replace the need to photocopy handouts. (One will be supplied if you are attending in Solihull.)
This seminar is designed to consolidate learning from the 2 Day Foundation, but will provide the best value as part of a theory into practice strategy that includes work discussion time, the Refresher Day and the seminars on attachment and trauma.
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Type of training:


Typical length:

5 hours

Aim of training:

To build on the 2 Day Foundation training to extend knowledge of brain development across the age range of antenatally to adolescence, including mirror neurones.

Example content:

How the brain develops across the age range, the interaction with the environment, the importance of relationships for brain development, the links with containment and reciprocity, an introduction to mirror neurones.


£145 for the manual. £59 for an individual to attend in Solihull. £700 to put on a training in your area.

Pre-training knowledge:

To deliver this you need to have completed the 2 Day Foundation Training. Preferably Train the Trainer, but not a requirement.


Solihull Approach trained practitioners

Maximum number of people: